I read an article today about The United States dumbing down the SAT for those that aren't academically inclined. My opinion? TOTAL BULLSHIT! What is this saying about the generations today? Maybe that the generation is incapable of getting the top score of 2400, or that we can't learn words that are obviously far out of our reading level. That's not going to help. Dumbing down the SAT just so the generation can slide into college easy is a no go for me. If the United States is so concerned about the welfare and education of the children growing up in this generation, why not implement some strategies that can ACTUALLY HELP! Tutoring those students that need the extra help or the extra push in school. Pushing students beyond their limits to prepare them to go to high school and then to college. Preparing students for the SAT and the ACT, so that when the time comes to face these tests, they'll be able to do it and do it successfully. This way they can get into top notch schools with impressive scores. Dumbing down the SAT is but a mere crutch, making it that much easier to fail when they get to the universities of their choice. They will have a much harder time adjusting to the material, especially at universities such as Duke, Cornell, Harvard, and Princeton because the government failed to properly educate our students. Educators at these colleges are not going to take pity on students that just can't do the work. Unfortunately, the United States can't see past sending unprepared students to college, make them pay a bunch of money on student loans for a degree that will only allow for them to make significantly less than those that haven't gone to college, therefore working some pointless ass job making just above minimum wage. This is not fair. This is what is going to send our students into a world of hard times because instead of pushing students to prep for important situations (such as taking the SAT), they dumb down the SAT just so society doesn't have to deal with students dropping out of college or not even going for that matter. I think it's a ridiculous idea. I think it's setting our kids up to fail tremendously. I think it's a waste of our children's education because if the government is willing to dumb down the SAT, what does that mean for daily learning at school? Are they going to make it easier for students to pass their classes by teaching them 2 + 2, instead of finding the linear equation using the quadratic formula. Colleges and universities are not going to recap on the concept of 2+2 or what does "apple" mean and use it in a sentence. It's just not fair to the students within this generation who are actually smart and are trying to get those top notch scores. This won't test their capabilities either. I feel sorry for those that agree with this. I feel even worry for the sorry ass government who came up with the idea that dumbing down the SAT would actually help students, instead of hurting them.......even though it's clearly the other way around.
*CHECK OUT THE ARTICLE*: http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/sat-to-be-dumbed-down-to-meet-todays-students-intellects/
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