Tuesday, May 13, 2014

And The Drama Queen Award Goes To........KENYA MOORE!

Let's be real. We all have watched Real Housewives of Atlanta, and if you're like me, you've probably seen all of the seasons. So, let me turn your attention to a particular cast mate, Miss Kenya Moore. She is this BIGGEST drama starter on the show, stirring up turmoil between her and her cast mates. A few in particular would be Miss Porcha, Miss Phaedra, and Miss NeNe, none of which have any problem laying hands or words to Kenya when the time is necessary. For all of you viewers that haven't kept track of the show, let's go back to the beginning of the latest season (Season 6). Kenya took it upon herself to create an issue at NeNe's adult slumber party. With that situation, NeNe brought up an issue about Kenya saying that a fellow wife's husband wasn't really her husband. She stated that he had told the public that he didn't "claim" her as his wife, and that they had a "common law" marriage. My reaction was this: who are you, as a woman, to come into someone's love life and wreak havoc? Is it because everyone on the show has a man but you? Moving on, Cynthia threw her annual Bailey Bowl. There was much tension between NeNe and Marlo simply because NeNe didn't want to be friends with Marlo anymore. The incident should've died right there, but Kenya took things a step further by saying some off of the wall things about NeNe and her friendship. That was not her place to even come in between NeNe and Marlo and the issues that they had between each other. The highlight of the show did not happen until Kenya made things apparent that she saw Miss Phaedra's husband, Apollo, as more than a friend. Throughout season six of the show, Kenya avidly made Apollo a topic of discussion. She made it a priority to put herself in the same airspace as him, even though Phaedra told her time and time again not to mess with her husband. The issue came to ahead on the Season 6 Reunion pt.3, where Phaedra shut Kenya and her comments down. Phaedra's entire stand point was that Kenya constantly makes Apollo a topic of discussion, but Kenya find herself going from sperm bank to sperm bank just to have a child because she couldn't find a marriage (much less a man) on her own. This was her last stitch effort to have the baby that she's always wanted. I do feel like Phaedra was not in the wrong, plus Kenya had given herself the title of "Queen of the Shade". I feel all of the drama she has created, and all of the friendships she has ruined is finally coming back to haunt her. If that situation wasn't bad enough, she thoroughly put Miss Porcha in a bad headspace by doing with Kenya does best: THE MOST. If the septor didn't cause Porsha's blood to boil, the sudden use a blow-horn certainly did the trick. Porsha snapped. Kenya got her behind handed to her on the silver platter she thought she thought she deserved. And we all know, Kenya deserved that, and then some.
All in all, Kenya tried so hard to create friends on the show. Maybe she felt like she didn't have anybody. Maybe she needed the attention because everyone else had something going on in their lives. You have Miss Kandy with her play and her wedding. You have Miss NeNe with her fame and her guest appearances and reoccurring roles on various shows. Miss Cynthia has her bar and her modeling agency. Miss Phaedra has her new degree, her law firm, and her funeral home. Miss Porsha has a leg up with where she wants to go in life with being a cast mate in Kandy's play. Finally, you have Kenya: broke, single by default, and nothing going on in her life. It makes sense for a woman that desperate for attention to want to stir up a bunch of drama amongst women who have things going on and marriages to tend to. MORAL OF THE STORY: If Kenya Moore spent less time trolling through sperm banks and getting on people's nerves, and more time building her brand and building herself up as a middle-aged, black female, maybe she would have a husband and maybe she would have some actual friends. Remember, no one wants to be friends with a drama starter.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cheating is for Dummies

Do you ever get the feeling in the pit of your stomach that your significant other is a little bit distant, or extra, EXTRA happy when you know you aren't the reason behind the smile? Well, your significant other may just be stepping out on you.
There are various reasons why men and women feel it necessary to cheat: stress at home, stress at work, finances, or it's just not where they want to be. If you are unsure if your man or woman is cheating, here are some telltale signs that you may not be the only one (these are signs that I've seen or experienced. Feel free to add your own signs if necessary.)

1. If this person has to delete ANYTHING off of their phone, computer, tablet, or any other electronic device, it's time for your red flags to soar high. If this person really cares for you and has nothing to hide, what would be there to delete? You should be allowed to check emails, text messages, call logs, and social networking sites with no problem, and that person should have no problem letting you. If that person says no, something is going on and you should probably investigate just to make sure. With that being said, you may find pictures of naked females (or males), some raunchy text messages, or random phone calls in the middle of the night. If this is the case, something is going on. But usually if there is something incriminating in that person's phone, chances are you won't even get the opportunity to actually go through anything.
2. If that person comes up with a million and five different excuse for why you can't go through any of their stuff, INVESTIGATE. There is nothing like gathering hard evidence to prove your theory.
3. If that person starts coming home later and later from work, and you know for a fact that they usually don't come home that late, it's time to pay attention. Especially if it has become habitual, like an everyday thing.
4. If you and your significant other share an account and you notice that there are some funds missing, check it out. When you do check things out and notice that there are charges from places such as Victoria Secret, or Bath and Body Works (for women), and Men's Warehouse (for men), then the red flag has to be drawn. My suggestion is to start asking questions immediately, especially if you know you don't wear Victoria's Secret or shop at Men's Warehouse.
5. If that person has to step outside the house, or go into another room just to have a phone conversation, it's time to pay attention. I would ask that age old question, "who were you talking to", or "since when do you need to step out of the room just to answer the phone?" There should be NO secret conversations going on in a relationship, unless someone has something to hide.
6. If your house phone, or your significant other's cell phone, is ringing at ungodly hours of the night and morning, and it is NOT family or children, what is that? RED FLAG. No one should be calling your house at anytime during the midnight hours unless it's a family emergency, or a family death. Otherwise, it's no excuse.
7. If your significant other has been working ALLLLLLLL day, but comes home smelling like a fresh shower, that's a telltale sign that your love is cheating. How did you manage to smell like soap, when you have been working all day long? The sense is not adding up.
8. If your significant other is constantly accusing you of cheating, it might be because they're the ones out there doing the cheating. They just want to take the attention off of them so that you don't find out what it is they are really doing when they aren't at home. This isn't always the case though. In fact, this sign is only significant when you honestly know that YOU have been 100% faithful.
This is just some of many signs that your significant other is being unfaithful. I do suggest that if you feel like that person is stepping out on you, then investigate your theory. Ask questions and pay attention to what is going on. Spot the differences and the changes in habits and routines. What you never want to do is to come at that person with a whole bunch of different accusations and rumors without any proof that infidelity is actually going on. MORAL OF THE STORY: Pay attention to what changes, and have proof before you start pointing the finger.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hart vs. Epps Beef

I know you all have heard about the Kevin vs. Mike beef. Apparently, Mike Epps went on K104 , in Dallas, and said some not so nice things about the Think Like A Man costar and his rise to fame. The beef then escalated when Kevin Hart fired shots against Mike Epps via Twitter, calling Mike Epps a hater. My Opinion? Let's be real about this for a minute. Kevin Hart is wildly successful with various movies and sold-out shows. He is one of the most successful comedians in the game right now. I say, leave it alone because regardless of whether it's his talent or his excellent marketing team, the check still clears at the end of the day. Don't get me wrong though. Mike Epps has had his share of funnies from Next Friday to All About the Benjamins, but it's just like that Nicki Minaj vs. Lil Kim beef. His time has come and gone. I will always consider him one of the greats of my era (dating myself there lol), but its time to pass the torch along. Not to mention, this is 2014. Everything, involving the media, is overly marketed to the audiences today......especially children and teenagers. MORAL OF THE STORY: Mike Epps needs to sit on his throne and let lil Kevin Hart take over. I mean, he is hilarious!