Thursday, April 17, 2014

Love Begins At Home

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of WSCT Grind or it's affiliates.

We cannot walk around talking about how much we love each other because it's a grand lie that only spreads the poison that is affecting us a whole.We should admit that we can't stand ourselves nor each other,and the first people that we should admit it to is the person that we face in the mirror. It's like telling the judge that you've murdered your significant other because you loved him/her, where's the rationale ? We are just grinning from ear to ear to talking about love in a system where injustice reigns supreme,and i'm here to tell you that it's time for another approach which is to minimize conflict by keeping our distance from each other until we have something to say or do that is of  constructive value to improve our situation.It's time to become comfortable with who we are by ourselves in order to give something of value to the collective,or we will straggle in the same confusion that has kept us captive for so long due to our self hatred.

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