Monday, March 17, 2014

The Moment Of Reckoning

You have good ideas but no money, you have a creative team that does everything right (it could be
worse imagine if all the partners hated each other ), but can't get a loan. You have to either pay rent or
pay your sales team. Oh yeah your bills are piling up (yay) , people that owe you money won't return
your phone calls, you can't even buy food, and the money does come it barely covers overhead while
you're missing out on all the good things like birthday parties,funerals ( i missed a lot ),traveling,no
social/dating life (your money will be tied up in your venture so you won't be taking anybody out
might as well get Netflix) , your friends will start to avoid you thinking you would ask them for
money or they're just tired  of hearing you talk about things that seems like alien cuneiform.
Welcome to Entrepreneurship 101 where these scenarios happen over and over, and you have to have 
a strong determination and persistence to execute the planned objective. Oh poor baby, you thought 
that you could half ass it for 6 months and then you'd be rich (i did, but that's another story) or the 
world owed you something because you want to be a success, or they would just give you their 
money just because you pitched a great idea or blah blah blah. I've realized that it's a long process
and you just have to focus on the work and everything else will come......I got ice cream in the fridge 
will talk later .

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